Are you ready to engage your faith opportunity?

Learn about the B2G 2.0 Devotional Podcast, Let’s dive into a God-led Year.

Another Faith Opportunity

During B2G; a God-led financial campaign, the Lord enabled us to erect a new house of worship and training center. We added 24,500 sq ft to our already existing structure. Bring us to 42,500 sq ft of building to magnify God and grow people in God. The history of Calvary Church has been focused on the whole gospel to the whole world for the glorification of Jesus Christ.

B2G 2.0

You can learn about our B2G 2.0 movement in our online booklet

Learn more about our Calvary history, our testimonies from where God has taken us in our other campaigns, and where God is leading us now.

Are you ready to embark on your Faith opportunity?

Our B2G 2.0 Commitment Cards are available for you to commit to your Faith opportunity and growth, download your card here, and send your filled-out card to